How to Setup a Jockey Box

Parts Needed

  • Jockey box
  • Keg(s) of beverage
  • CO2 tank
  • Dispensing kit (tubing, coupler, CO2 regulator)
  • Tools: faucet wrench, crescent wrench, screwdriver


jockey box assembly instructions


Steps to Set Up

Before You Begin:

  1. Don’t add ice until the setup is complete.
  2. Run the kegged beverage through the coils before adding ice to remove any moisture and to fill the coils.

Step 1: Attach Regulator

  1. Attach the regulator to the CO2 tank and tighten with a crescent wrench.
  2. Adjust the dial to control the gas flow to the keg. Normal pressure is 25-30 PSI for a jockey box.

Step 2: Attach CO2 Lines

  1. Connect the gas line to the regulator and the other end to the coupler.
  2. Ensure the valve on the regulator is off before connecting.
  3. Secure the line with hose clamps.

Step 3: Attach Beverage Lines

  1. Connect the beverage jumper to the liquid input on the jockey box.
  2. Connect the other end to the liquid out (top) of the beer coupler.
  3. Use beer washers for a leak-free seal and tighten with a crescent wrench.

Step 4: Attach Faucets

  1. Attach the faucet to the jockey box and tighten by hand.
  2. Secure in place with a faucet wrench.

Step 5: Connect Couplers

  1. Make sure the faucets are closed.
  2. Attach the coupler to the keg and lock it in place.

Step 6: Turn On the Gas and Adjust Pressure

  1. Open the CO2 tank and adjust the pressure to 25-30 PSI.
  2. Release excess pressure if needed by adjusting the regulator and pulling the relief valve on the coupler.

Step 7: Check Connections

  1. Open faucet and test the flow rate of the beverage. Adjust CO2 pressure if needed.
  2. Inspect all connections for leaks in both gas and beverage lines.

Step 8: Add Ice

  1. Fill the jockey box cooler completely with ice.

Step 9: Acclimate

  1. Wait 10-15 minutes for the cooler and parts to reach the same temperature.

Step 10: Pour and Enjoy

  1. Pour yourself a beverage and enjoy!
  2. Take a photo and tag @citypoursllc if you’d like.

Cleaning and Rinsing

  1. When finished for the day, shut off the CO2 and purge the excess keg pressure from the coupler relief valve
  2. Fill your cleaning pump or cleaning keg with water and appropriate cleaning solution.
  3. Remove the coupler from the keg and attach it to the cleaning pump or cleaning keg.
  4. Pressurize the system and open the faucets, filling the coils with the cleaning solution.
  5. Let soak for 5-10 minutes and flush with fresh water
  6. Purge the remaining water from the coils with an empty cleaning keg or cleaning pump (gas/air pushes out the rinse water).

NOTE: Use proper safety precautions with cleaning solutions. Gloves and eye protection are recommended.

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